
How to Do Something You Don’t Want To Do?

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How to do something you don’t want to do? There are many ways that you can do something you don’t want to.

One way is to break the thing up into a series of smaller tasks and only make yourself focus on one at a time. Another way is to force yourself to do it for five minutes straight or 10 minutes straight. I find this easier than thinking about how long it will be and how much I’ll have to do.

There may be days where you just can’t get anything done because your brain won’t let you. Still, suppose those days happen every day.

In that case, something needs fixing for everything else not to go wrong in life too quickly from lack of productivity. The key is finding out what works best for you personally and how often these things can happen before you start having problems.

How to Do Something You Don’t Want To Do?

1. Force Yourself To Do First

This is how I do something I don’t want to do, even though at first I feel like this thing is a burden for me. Firstly, it’s best not to think how long you have to do and how difficult the task will be. It suffocates you and makes you not want to do anything until it’s done.

Secondly, I break the work down into smaller steps and only think about how much time it takes for each small step before moving on to the next one.

Thirdly, you can force yourself after five minutes to finish that one task no matter what happens. Ten minutes seems more beneficial as a goal but just start with five if you can’t make 10 minutes. Force yourself to do it for five minutes.

After five minutes, force yourself again for another five. Keep doing this, and after an hour or so, you’ll see how much you’ve done instead of how much is left on the task list.

If there’s a day that I absolutely can’t get anything done because my brain won’t let me, I force myself to do nothing else but the one thing I hate. The only thing you have to do is keep reminding yourself how difficult it will be and how long everything takes. Still, in my opinion, that’s enough for me to get started.

However often this can happen, how often you need to fix your method or how often you can do whatever you don’t want to do. If this happens every day, then something needs fixing for everything else not to go wrong in life too quickly from lack of productivity.

2. Pomodoro technique

how to do something you don't want to

The Pomodoro Technique is based on the idea that when you break a task into 25-minute intervals, it’s easier to do the work and then take a break. In each interval, you focus on one thing only.

For instance, if I’m doing paperwork for my job, I’ll write for 25 minutes and then take a break for 5 minutes before going back at it.

First, start with these intervals without distractions or interruptions. This will help you get used to how the sessions work.

When you’re done with your first session, then you can reward yourself with something small like watching an episode of TV and eating some ice cream before going back at it. Break each session into even smaller chunks if you want.

3. Visualize how it will be done for you in 10 years

Doing this might sound weird, but I can tell you from my own experience how much difference it makes to visualize how everything will turn out in the end instead of how much is left on a task list and how difficult that one thing seems to do.

By doing this every day, things turn out easier than anything. If there’s something you don’t want to do, take a moment or two to imagine how easy it was finished and how well everything turned out and how happy everyone involved is because they got it done. If that doesn’t put a smile on your face, nothing else will!

Knowing how much effort it takes to do something isn’t how you want to measure how well your day went in any form of self-development or productivity.

How many things can you do in your life and how well everything turns out to measure how good of a job you did that day. If the latter happens, then the first thing is very likely to happen as well.

4. Ask someone to tell you to do it

In the past, I used to let myself do whatever I wanted until it was time for me to start doing something I didn’t want to do. The problem with this way of thinking is that it makes you feel like you’re not in control anymore and all you end up doing is delaying how long you have to do things you don’t want to do.

Instead, know how much time it’ll take you to complete a task before getting started on it. When you find yourself procrastinating, you can remind yourself how much more difficult the task will be because of how long it will take.

It’s essential, though, that if other tasks need doing that day, then work on those first so that you don’t put how tired you are and how many more things need to go do before how difficult the task will be.

5. Make it pleasant

If you have to do something unpleasant, try making it more pleasant. Put on your favorite music, go sit outside in the sun or give yourself a reward afterward!

Doing these things will make doing what needs to be done feel more effortless for you.

6. Reward yourself

As I said, when I find myself delaying how much time I have left off doing something I don’t want to do or how difficult it’s going to be, all I have to do is think about how well everything turns out in the end.

How happy everyone else will be when the job is done and how easy it was for me to accomplish what needed doing. Suppose this thought doesn’t help a lot with completing a task or making a situation better.

In that case, there might be another activity that rewards you even more than watching TV or eating ice cream, like sleeping earlier than usual to get some extra sleep.

How Much You Do Is How Well You Did That Day

This means that if there are 1,000 other tasks on our to-do list. We only do one of them before going to bed every night; it doesn’t mean our day was wrong because we only completed one task.

Still, it might mean we didn’t get enough sleep or have time for anything else. Everyone’s different, though, so don’t feel bad about it.

Getting started on what’s hard becomes harder than finishing what you’ve got left before going home for the day.

The only way to approach is to break up how long it takes and how many things you do every day into smaller chunks so that when one trial is over, the next isn’t as hard.

All You Did That Day

Sometimes when we start a task, it might be difficult or take too much time. But if other things need doing, you can do those while you do the challenging task. This way, the tricky thing won’t take as long to finish.


You can do anything you put your mind to. And that includes doing something difficult or unpleasant for a short period.

Some people are shy or nervous about doing things they don’t want to do. Sometimes we need to do things that are hard and not what we want.

But, if you want to accomplish something important like working on your goals, sometimes you need to do hard things.

So why not make them as manageable as possible?

I find this easier than thinking about how long they’ll take (which makes me feel worse) or what else needs to be done after them (when my attention span gets focused on all the other stuff). 

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